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Contact Information:

Dynamic Equilibrium
309 Oakwood Court
Youngsville, NC 27596

Phone: 919-562-1548

Nancy Toner Weinberger

Saturday and Sunday 9:30-6:30, October 2-3, 2021, Hampton Inn, North Raleigh, NC

The Inside-Out Paradigm© - Freeing the Heart by Releasing the Body’s Central Linkage

Instructor: Dale G. Alexander, Ph.D. M.A. B.S.Ed. L.M.T.

Tuition: $300 if paid in full by September 10th. After that, $350, space permitting.

Please bring your mask as it will be needed for the class.


Click here to register and pay through PayPal right now.

Click here for information on how to pre-register or pay your tution by other means.

Click here to download a series of published articles by Dale Alexander about freeing the heart.

Read one of the more comprehensive articles relating changes within heart / circulation during the aging process here: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/004006.htm .


Click here for travel information.


Heart disease is the #1 cause of death, eclipsing all forms of cancer combined.  Someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds.  Every 60 seconds, someone in the United States dies from a heart disease-related event.

What is rarely considered is how the heart’s progression into dysfunction and disease is a significant factor in chronic somatic ailments which persist even with competent care.

Fresh blood, filled with oxygen, nutrition and hormones is the body’s most healing resource.  Without enough of this healing resource, tissues and cells begin to degrade in their function.  “Pain is the cry of a nerve for blood” is one of the oldest axioms in Osteopathic Medicine. 

Freeing the Heart by Releasing the Body’s Central Linkage is a comprehensive introduction toward how we as Allied Health Providers can play a preventative role in its progression.  Participants will leave with a more comprehensive understanding of how the human body really works. 

During this workshop participants will learn:

¦  How to interview a client with chronic symptoms; this will be modeled and discussed.

¦  Somatic markers will be clearly described for when Referral to a Physician is indicated. 

¦  An Assessment Sequence will be demonstrated and practiced.

Techniques will be presented and practiced that:

¦  Release the Body’s Core Line and Central Linkage(s)

¦  Enhance the heart’s ability to pump more blood by reducing resistances to its expansion  

¦  Restore the mechanisms that naturally assist venous and lymphatic return 

¦  Decrease the tone of the Nervous System’s flight/flight/freeze responses

¦  Enhance the neural outflow of its Rest and Restore capacity

¦  Reduce common obstacles to the return of raw blood products to the heart/lung complex 

Participants are encouraged to review the instructor’s published articles regarding “Freeing the Heart,”  “The Sacs and Tubes Theory of Stress, and “Releasing the Body’s Core Line and Central Linkage” available to download here.

Visit Dale's webpage at dale-alexander.com.

What to Bring: Massage Table, linens, 2 pillows. Attire during technique practice exchange needs to allow access to the abdomen ... sports bra and shorts or underwear.  Light blanket to provide warmth as may be needed in A/C. 

Additional Clinic Day: This is a day when you can select to schedule a session with Dale Alexander and/or to observe him work with the various chronic problems people present to him.

Session Fee is $150 and lasts 60-75 minutes. The fee to observe for part or for the whole day is $50. Usually there is a 15 minute Q & A after each session. Many have found this opportunity helps them to consolidate their learnings from the weekend and to add to their interviewing skill sets regarding how to quickly get to the heart of people’s real difficulties. It is one of Dale’s many gifts.

Space is limited.
Session times are as follows: 9am, 10:30, 12 noon, Lunch 1:30 -2:30, 2:30 and 4 pm. To schedule a session with Dale, contact him directly (305.393.0929). Preference will be given to those with conditions related to the subject matter of the workshop, and to workshop participants, their family members and clients.

If you wish to observe, please indicate your interest when signing up for the workshop. Please bring your payment (check or exact cash) to the workshop.